Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Flip The Switch


Transcripts Available

SKU: LW45184524


We are not who we were. God has given us a new identity and has called us to a radically different way of living. While at one time we thought, spoke, and lived differently, now that we know who we truly are in Jesus and it’s time to flip the switch. As we become more like Jesus, our mindset naturally changes to reflect what is true. And as our internal mindset changes, our external language begins to display that reality. Through this, our lives illuminate the heart of God and we see the world differently than others. Standards change to not just pursuing what is good, but what is pleasing to God. Perspectives shift from not just the temporary, but the everlasting- from not just what we see with our eyes, but what we know in our hearts to be true. Join us in the second of four series through the book of Ephesians as we discover how Paul helps everyday Christians discover the markers of true believers and uncover the way to a life of maturity and consistency in Christ.






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