Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Switch Your Perspective


Ephesians 5:15-20

Transcript Available

SKU: LW4524
Author: Idleman, Kyle

We live in a world of dooming headlines. On every physical and digital corner the stories we are told are ones of hopelessness and despair. And while those headlines may be true, they are not the truest thing. The days are certainly evil, but as believers we hold a different perspective with how we engage with these days. We see them as opportunities rather than obstacles, living wisely in them rather than trying to just survive through them. This shift in perspective changes everything about the way we live. We don’t live with hopelessness because we know that Jesus is over everything in every way. But at the same time, we also don’t live with apathy by merely waiting out the days. Instead, we engage, living by the power of the Spirit and joining God in the work of making all things new.

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