Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Your True Tribe


Ephesians 2:11-22

Transcripts Available

SKU: LW4514
Author: Idleman, Kyle

Labels are everywhere. We use them for goods and services, we use them for products and even for people. It’s easy to label. To categorize ourselves and others based on personal preferences or political affiliations. But as believers, we are called to a higher identity than the ones we often settle for. As believers, we don’t find our identity in tribalism, and it’s not rooted in political affiliations or personal preferences. While what we believe about those things might be true, we know that our true tribe is found in the body of Christ and this higher identity is the gateway to a deeper community than this world could ever offer. In this community are unique stories and perspectives bound by a unity that is built on Christ. And in this community, we discover grace and growth and depth and a mission far beyond just ourselves. Through the community of believers God builds through us we have the opportunity to see this verse come to life, “we are no longer foreigners or strangers, but fellow citizens in heaven built on Christ who is our reconciler and our peace himself.”

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