Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Christmas In Hindsight


Transcripts Available

SKU: LW44364441


2020 looked different than anyone could have predicted. It was a year full of so many unexpected, unplanned, and unknown circumstances. And when you’re in the middle of an unexpected season, it can be hard to understand what God is doing. In the midst of the unknown, so many things don’t seem to make sense. But hindsight often clarifies our perspective. Looking back, we often see what we didn’t always understand in the moment. And the Christmas story in hindsight seems peaceful- full of joy, promise, and hope. But if you were to place yourself into that first Christmas, it didn’t always feel peaceful, hopeful, or joyful. A pregnant teenager, an uncertain marriage, no place to stay, and so many unexpected and unplanned circumstances. But we see now what was hard to see then: Christ has come and He is the hope of the world. During this series, we want to reframe that first Christmas to remember that God’s hand is always at work even when we can’t see it. We look back on God’s Plan, God’s Promises, and God’s Providence to hold onto hope that He continues to stay true to His character and His Word- no matter what may come our way.







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